White Shoes Cleaner


Work on leather, nylon, suede, canvas, vinyl and more. Safe on all colors. Shoe cleaner is formulated to be safe on all colors, providing tough coating on shoes that will cover scuffs and allow shoes to endure heavy wear and tear.

  • Sku:C17004
  • Tags:Shoes, Dirt
  • Buy links:Newbark is amazon's official store
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MOMS LOVE IT! Not only does it make your shoes look like new again, but we use environmentally friendly, biodegradable, and non-toxic ingredients. Maintain your shoes with a shoe cleaner that is safe without any harmful effects to you or your family!
Also, it kills 99% of germs in the process, leaving your shoes truly clean and kills odor causing germs. You can even use it on your feet or as a shoe odor eliminator spray!

- Spray and wipe with a clean damp cloth or sponge.
- For stubborn stains and grease spray and leave for 2 minutes before wiping.
- Rinse food contact surfaces after use.

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